Dallas Dog Bite Lawyer

Texas Dog Bite Lawyer in Dallas

We are Experienced in Dog Bite Cases in Dallas and Across Texas.

Pets are usually beloved animals, treated almost like one of the family. But when animals get aggressive, it can cause serious injury, permanent scarring, emotional trauma, and significant medical bills. Attacks by domestic animals may seem rare, but millions of people are bitten by dogs each year.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs in the United States each year and over 800,000 of these victims receive medical attention for dog bites.

Dog bite or dog attack injuries frequently lead to serious injuries that must be repaired surgically and sometimes lead to permanent physical handicaps. While many of these bites are minor, some cause major damage, and doctors see approximately 350,000 dog bite victims annually in emergency rooms. About 30-35 dog attacks per year are fatal.

The Journal of the American Medical Association estimates that 17% of all dog-related injuries are sufficiently serious to warrant medical attention. Unfortunately, some pets continue to be loose or allowed to be near people they aren’t familiar with, making dog bite incidents more likely.

Despite this reality, it’s important to remember that Dallas and Texas dog owners are responsible for their animal’s behavior on and off their own property, and liable for any damages caused as a result of that behavior.

Under Texas law, certain conditions must be met for a dog owner to be found responsible when the animal attacks. This law, called the “one-bite rule,” states that an owner is not responsible unless 1) the dog previously bit someone or acted like it wanted to, and 2) the owner was aware of this behavior. Because of the one-bite rule, it can sometimes be difficult to prove responsibility for the attack.

dallas dog bite injury lawyer

Owners are also completely responsible for the actions of unleashed dogs in areas where restraint is required. If it is determined that a dog is abnormally violent, possibly because it has been abused by its owner or bred for violence, then the owner can face serious charges, up to, and including, jail time.

State and Local Laws May Vary on Dog Bites

In Texas, a person can file a lawsuit for dog bites if the owner is found to be negligent in their care of the dog, they were aware beforehand that the animal was dangerous, there was a violation of local leash ordinances, or if the harm was done intentionally. Dog owners need to be mindful of their responsibilities and strive to keep all members of their community safe from any potential danger.

Dog attacks pedestrian in North Dallas

It’s important to understand that state and local laws may vary when it comes to dog bites. This means that the legal process for a dog bite case can be different depending on where it occurred. In Dallas, Texas, there are specific laws in place regarding dog bites that can impact your case.

Texas is a “one-bite” state, which means that a dog owner may not be held liable for the first time their dog bites someone as long as the owner has no prior knowledge of the dog’s aggressive behavior. However, if the owner knew or should have known that the dog had a history of biting or aggressive behavior, they can be held responsible for any injuries caused by their dog.

Dallas has its own set of laws regarding dogs, including leash laws and dangerous dog ordinances. It’s important to work with a lawyer who understands these laws and can use them to your advantage in your case.

Dog Bite Injury Compensation

If you’ve been the victim of a canine attack, you may suffer from a wide range of physical and psychological injuries. Possible outcomes of being attacked by a dog:

  • puncture wounds
  • skin tears
  • lacerations
  • scarring
  • bone fractures
  • nerve damage
  • infections
  • rabies
  • and even traumatic brain injuries

Depending on the severity of the attack, you may also experience disfigurement, scarring, or physical limitations as a result. We have recovered compensation from dog bite attacks. Read our Child Dog Bite Case Study.

If you have suffered an injury as the result of a dog attack, you may be entitled to compensation for the resulting losses. Our team of experienced attorneys can help you understand whether you have a valid claim and work to ensure that you receive appropriate compensation for all expenses related to your injury, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, disfigurement, physical restrictions, and reduced earning capacity.

Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Dog Bite
Aggressive Pitbull near downtown Dallas

The amount of compensation you are eligible for depends on several factors, such as the severity of the injury, the cost of treatments, the length of time needed to recover, and the impact on quality of life. You may be able to receive more compensation if the attack resulted in visible disfigurement or a disability. We are here to help you get the justice you deserve and secure proper compensation for your injuries.

At Genthe Law Firm, we have extensive experience in representing individuals who have suffered from dog bite injuries. We work closely with medical experts to properly understand the extent and seriousness of your injuries and can use evidence to demonstrate how these injuries have impacted your life both physically and emotionally. We conduct thorough investigations into your case to provide you with the best possible chance of receiving an appropriate compensation settlement.

What to Do When a Dog Bites You

Taking care of dogs is a responsibility that must always be taken seriously, and those individuals who choose not to respect that fact can be held for serious liability. Any animal requires care.

The owner of the dog has a responsibility to ensure that their pet does not pose a risk to others. This includes keeping the dog under control and ensuring that it is properly trained. If a dog does bite someone, the owner may be held liable for any damages that result from the incident.

On the other hand, it’s important for the victim of a dog bite to understand their legal rights. They may be entitled to compensation for things like medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It’s important to document the incident and seek medical attention right away. In some cases, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit to recover damages.

For additional resources on dog bites and related issues, the following organizations and websites may be helpful:

  • American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)

Aaron Genthe is an experienced dog bite litigation attorney. Helping countless victims of dog bite incidents, our firm is here to help you to get the justice you deserve. If you’re the victim of a dog bite in Dallas or elsewhere in Texas, contact the Genthe Law Firm. We examine every aspect of client dog bite cases and help them recover the compensation they deserve. Compensation can help cover the costs of medical bills, physical therapy, and applicable loss of income resulting from your injury.

The Genthe Law Firm wants you to get back to your best health quickly but also wants to bring you justice. It is your right.

Contact us today at (214) 957-0898 for an absolutely free consultation to speak with a knowledgeable dog bite attorney in Texas who will help you restore balance to your life.

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Genthe Case Study – Real Results Dallas Dog Bite Accident

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