Signs of Abuse at Your Child’s Daycare in Texas
When you put your child into daycare, you are completely at the mercy of the staff, especially if your child is too young to communicate with you effectively. Most children don’t speak well until they are almost two years old, and most parents end up having to return to work after maternity leave when their child is just three months old.
This means that infants and toddlers are extremely vulnerable to neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse.
Most childcare providers present themselves and their facility as safe, clean, nurturing environments where parents can feel confident leaving their children and believe they will be well-cared for. Still, families are advised to remember that daycare can be just one more business that is more interested in profit than people.
Signs Your Child is Being Mistreated at Daycare
Pay close attention to the condition that their child returns home in; are they clean? Has their diaper been changed? Do they seem hungry, or clingy, or scared? Look for warning signs of the different types of abuse and neglect that occur most frequently in childcare settings. Most importantly, if you suspect things aren’t right, trust your instincts and call the experienced lawyers at Genthe Law Firm.
We’ll tell you whether your concerns are justified and which authorities must be contacted and investigated to ensure your child is safe. If abuse is taking place, we’ll punish the abuser financially and get justice for you and your child.
Signs of Daycare Neglect
A child in daycare should receive enough attention to ensure that they are clean, have had adequate sleep, have been well fed, and have been paid attention to and have their needs met. The daycare itself should also be clean and sanitary.
That is the absolute minimum you should expect. If you pick up your child from their child care facility and find that the staff doesn’t want parents coming in, that your child is inordinately dirty, unusually hungry or thirsty, or in need of a diaper change, these are all signs that your child may not be being cared for.
More Signs of Daycare Neglect
Other signs include bumps and bruises, which can indicate that nobody is paying enough attention to prevent your child from hurting himself, or an unusual amount of attention-seeking or aggressive behavior, indicating that your child hasn’t gotten any stimulation during the day.
Signs of Daycare Child Abuse
When you drop off your child at daycare or any childcare provider or activity, what goes on behind those closed doors is a mystery. All parents hope for the best and for a happy child at the end of the day. When daycare abuse occurs, there are frequent signs that alert parents that things are not quite right.
These can include unexplained injuries and bruises, your child not appearing to have been fed, kept clean, or having had their diaper changed, your child being unusually clingy or withdrawn, and more.
Changes in Behavior
These are indications that should raise a red flag for you:
- If your child is exhibiting extreme fearfulness or refusing to go to daycare,
- if you see signs of any kind of bruising or bleeding around the child’s genitals,
- or if your child’s behavior begins to change in either aggressive or regressive ways,
- If your child is old enough to speak, ask them what is happening, but be aware that they may be too fearful to tell the truth.
Signs of Daycare Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse perpetrated on a young child is a horror and a nightmare for every parent, particularly those whose children are too young to tell them what is happening. If you suspect that your child may be being victimized in their daycare or childcare setting, here are some signs to look out for:
- Emotional withdrawal or fearfulness
- Clinging
- Showing inappropriate sexual knowledge or behavior
- Nightmares or screaming at night, inability to sleep
- Bruising or bleeding around the genitals
- Rashes around the genitals, sexually transmitted diseases
Even if your child is old enough to speak up, there is a good chance that a predator will have intimidated him into not telling by threatening or telling them that nobody will believe them. Trust your child and your instincts, call the authorities, and call the Texas childcare abuse lawyers at Genthe Law Firm at the first sign of trouble.
Signs of Physical or Emotional Daycare Abuse
You know your child, and you know their normal behavior, so there are certain things that you’ll recognize as unusual if they’ve been in an environment where they are being abused.
In addition to bearing the physical scars of abuse, including bruises, scrapes, and possibly even broken limbs or head injuries, children who are being abused will behave as though they are in fear of being hit. They may shrink back when they hear raised voices or see somebody lift their arm or leg as if to strike or kick them. They may become violent and exhibit behavior they’ve never witnessed in your home.
If You Suspect Daycare Child Abuse
If your suspicions have been aroused and you are concerned that your child might be the victim of abuse, don’t keep it to yourself. Discuss your concerns with your trusted friends and immediate family members, and it might be a good idea to talk frankly with other parents whose children attend the same facility.
If no reasonable explanation makes sense and you think something is seriously wrong, take your child to your physician for an examination – he or she should be able to provide professional feedback and an assessment of your child’s physical and mental state.
If you feel there is cause for concern, contact the authorities; they will investigate and take action on behalf of your child and others who might be in the facility’s care.
What is Section 261.101 of the Texas Family Code?
261.101. PERSONS REQUIRED TO REPORT; TIME TO REPORT. (a) A person having reasonable cause to believe that a child’s physical or mental health or welfare has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect by any person shall immediately make a report as provided by this subchapter.
Know and Protect Your Rights
Once the authorities are involved and the daycare is being investigated, it is essential that an attorney with a thorough knowledge of daycare child abuse law and your legal rights represent you. During the investigation, questions may be asked about your family, child, and friends, all raised by the daycare representatives who are looking to protect themselves and their business.
The experienced injury lawyers at Genthe Law Firm can guide you through this process, advise you who to speak with and what your rights are, prevent further disruption of your life for you and your child, and allow you to heal.
Take Action, for your Child’s Sake
Daycare child abuse is more than a crime – it is a personal injury that could have a long-lasting impact on you and your child. Our justice system enables those who others have harmed to hold them responsible for the damage that’s been done, but to make sure that justice is done and the people who are responsible for your pain are held accountable, you need to have experienced, competent, aggressive advocates working on your behalf.
Keep Your Child Safe and Contact Us
Daycare child abuse is more than a crime – it is a personal injury that could have a long-lasting impact on you and your child. Our justice system enables those who others have harmed to hold them responsible for the damage that’s been done, but to make sure that justice is done and the people who are responsible for your pain are held accountable, you need to have experienced, competent, aggressive advocates working on your behalf.
If your child is unusually afraid of or resistant to returning to a childcare facility and you’ve seen any signs that they may be being abused, then you have good reason to fear that they may be in a dangerous situation. Do everything that you can to make sure that your child is safe.
Call the authorities, remove your child from a bad situation, and call us for help. If your child is coming home showing any of these signs, contact a daycare abuse lawyer at Genthe Law Firm to find out what can be done by calling 214-957-0898.
Page Contents
- Signs of Abuse at Your Child’s Daycare in Texas