Garland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Garland TX

The experienced accident lawyers in the Genthe Law Firm understand what our Dallas County clients are facing when they’re injured through motorcycle collisions caused by other motorists. Even with protective gear, fatalities for riders are nearly 30 times more likely than for car occupants, and riders are four times more vulnerable to injuries. We want to hear from you if you’ve suffered injury or loss, so we can craft a customized plan to get your life back on track. Our Garland motorcycle accident attorneys have the expertise and resolve to ensure that justice is served.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Garland TX

Motorcycle riders often feel vulnerable on the roads due to their lack of protection from other vehicles. Unfortunately, the statistics confirm that this fear is well-founded. According to the National Safety Council, Texas has one of the highest rates of motorcycle fatalities in the nation: 521 deaths were reported across the state last year alone.

The biggest cause of motorcycle accidents in Garland, Texas is a collision with another vehicle. Forty percent of all fatal collisions involving motorcycles can be attributed to these crashes. Speeding and distracted driving are also common contributors, accounting for a significant portion of non-fatal accidents. Additionally, impaired driving is a factor in many cases, with alcohol and drugs playing a role in almost a quarter of fatal collisions here in Texas.

It’s important that we recognize the risks involved with riding a motorcycle and take steps to reduce them. All drivers should remain alert and practice defensive driving, whether they’re behind the wheel of a car or a bike. Together, we can make our roads safe for everyone.

Some of the most frequent causes of motorcycle collisions include distracted driving, head-on collisions, impaired driving, failure of passenger vehicles to yield the right-of-way, rear-end collisions from tailgating bikers, road hazards, and speeding. If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of another motorist or hazardous roadway conditions, our experienced personal injury attorneys in Garland can be of service. Don’t let preventable circumstances determine your fate – contact us today for the advocacy and support you rightfully deserve.

Garland TX Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycles offer very little protection when involved in a crash, leading to often catastrophic injuries for the rider. Weighing significantly less than traditional vehicles such as cars, trucks, and SUVs, motorcycles are no match for the sheer force of those collisions. In spite of the use of protective helmets and gear, riders of motorcycles face serious medical concerns, long-term care, and extended recovery periods. These can all have life-altering consequences following an accident.

motorcycle accident injuries in garland txWhether an accident involves a passenger car or a motorcycle, the injury victims can face serious consequences. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are more vulnerable to injury due to their lack of protection from the elements. Common types of injuries from motorcycle accidents include burns, hand and feet injuries, internal bleeding, limb loss, neck injuries, nerve damage, organ damage, paralysis, skull fractures, spine injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and traumatic orthopedic injuries.

At the Genthe Law Firm, our experienced personal injury attorneys in Garland understand how challenging life can be after a serious motorcycle accident. That’s why we strive to ensure you have access to quality legal representation throughout Texas. With decades of experience handling complex cases involving motorcycles, our knowledgeable attorneys can help assess your situation and determine what action is necessary to protect your rights. Don’t wait – contact us today and get the justice you deserve.

Garland Motorcycle Accident FAQ

When should I contact a Garland attorney following a motorcycle accident?

It is typically in your best interest to connect with an experienced Garland accident attorney soon after a motorcycle accident. Time is of the essence when it comes to preserving crucial evidence, locating and interviewing witnesses, as well as meeting all applicable legal timelines. It’s recommended that you seek legal counsel within the first few days or weeks after the accident occurs.

What constitutes negligence in a motorcycle collision?

Negligence in the context of a motorcycle incident is essentially an action or inaction that falls below the standard of reasonable care, resulting in injury or damage to another. Examples of this could include neglecting to yield when appropriate, traveling too close behind another vehicle, failing to signal whilst changing direction or lane, operating while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving while distracted and not keeping the bike properly maintained.

Is it worth pursuing a motorcycle accident case if I have only suffered minor injuries?

Yes, even minor injuries can be grounds for pursuing a motorcycle accident case. If the other party was responsible for the crash, you may be eligible for compensation to cover medical costs, lost wages, property damage, and any pain and suffering experienced as a result of the accident. An experienced attorney can help assess your particular situation and determine whether a legal case is worth pursuing.

Are you looking to file a claim after a motorcycle accident in Texas?

It’s important to assemble all necessary details and evidence surrounding the incident, such as police reports, medical documents, witness testimonies, and recordings of the accident. Make sure to contact your insurer to alert them of the crash. Furthermore, we strongly recommend consulting with a professional personal injury lawyer, who can guide you through the process of pursuing financial recompense from the party at fault.

What steps should I take after notifying my insurance company about a motorcycle accident?

It is important to take action and explore all legal remedies available to you after suffering from a motorcycle collision. A wise course of action is to seek advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer who can guide you through the claims process and ensure that you receive full and fair compensation for your injuries and losses. The attorney can also assist in negotiations with insurance companies and their adjusters, so consult one soon and protect your rights.

What happens if I require additional medical care because of my motorcycle accident after the case has been settled?

If you find that you need further medical attention due to the injuries sustained in your motorcycle accident, even after the case has been concluded, then you may still be able to receive compensation. In the event that the settlement agreement included an allotment for future medical expenses or treatments, you could pursue reimbursement for such costs.

Is it possible for me to face legal responsibility if a friend uses my motorcycle and causes an accident in Texas?

The answer is “Yes.” In the state of Texas, the owner of a motorcycle may be held liable for any damages or injuries caused by someone who has borrowed their motorcycle, even if they are not riding it at the time. As such, it is essential to maintain sufficient insurance coverage and to be cautious with regard to whom you permit to operate your motorcycle.

What should I do if I lost consciousness after a motorcycle accident and am unable to collect the other party’s data?

In the event of being rendered unconscious following a motorcycle accident, it is likely to make any legal action more complicated. It is therefore prudent to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Consulting an experienced personal injury attorney can also help you gain clarity on the next steps to take in your case, such as identifying the at-fault party.

Is helmet use mandatory when motorcycling in Garland?

Yes, under Texas law motorcycle riders and their passengers in Garland must wear a secure approved helmet at all times. Not wearing a proper helmet could not only lead to a financial penalty but can be regarded as negligence if an accident occurs. Taking precautions such as wearing a helmet is the responsible and wise thing to do for both rider and passenger safety.

Is my expired motorcycle license considered proof of negligence if I’m involved in an accident?

In Texas, driving a motorcycle without a valid license is unlawful. If your motorcycle license had expired at the time of the accident, this could be used as evidence of fault or negligence in any proceedings related to the incident. Be sure to keep your license up-to-date and always adhere to state laws when operating a motor vehicle.

Our Experienced Garland Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Will Fight for the Compensation You Deserve

If you have been involved in an accident in the Dallas area, including Garland, Texas, contact us to speak with a motorcycle accident attorney today about your options.

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