How to Avoid A Summer Dog Bite

Summertime is here, and it’s common to find people spending time with their dogs. While a little fun in the sun with your furry friends is usually a good thing, it’s best to remember that dogs are animals, and bites are always a risk. At Genthe Law Firm, we see many dog bite injuries come through our doors and as much as we love to help our clients recover, we would rather see a reduction in Dallas dog bites.

How Dangerous Are Dog Bites?

Dog bites are injuries that can range from attacks requiring a few stitches to something as deadly as a fatal mauling. At Genthe Law Firm, we take every dog bite we defend seriously and ensure every injury has the right to compensation.

4 Ways to Avoid Dog Bites

Getting a dog bite can be a terrifying and deadly experience. Reduce your risk of being in an attack with our 4 tips for avoiding a dog bite.

1. Be Wary of Restrained and Wandering Dogs

Whether a dog is restrained in a yard or wandering around the neighborhood, it’s always best to stay away unless an owner is around. Wandering dogs are unpredictable animals that could be scared and defensive. Approaching these dogs could easily result in a dangerous bite. On the other hand, restrained dogs run the risk of being territorial or distressed from being restrained. Even if they appear calm at the time, it’s best to stay away.

2. Break Eye Contact

Dogs view eye contact as a challenge. So, if you find yourself in the path of an unfamiliar dog, we recommend breaking eye contact so that they don’t establish you as a threat and attack.

3. Never Leave Children Unsupervised Around a Pooch

Some of the most unfortunate dog bite cases we’ve seen involve children around a family member or friend’s pet. Oftentimes, disaster strikes when children are left unsupervised with the offending dog. No matter how docile your dog is or how familiar they are with the child involved, it’s easy for a child’s play to get carried away and lead to an annoyed, aggressive dog. Also, many younger children are at eyesight height with larger dogs, harkening this point back to our eye contact warning. Although you should always be with your child when they are around a dog, make sure to teach them these basics:

  • Avoid eye contact
  • Avoid fast movements around dogs
  • Remain calm as dogs respond to noise and stimulation

4. Always Ask for Permission to Pet

As a dog lover, it can be tempting to just walk up to a person and their dog for a quick pet. However, unless the dog already knows you, this could result in a vicious attack. Always ask the dog’s owner if you can pet the dog. They will be able to warn you of any dangerous mannerisms or direct you toward a satisfying encounter with their dog.

Been Involved in a Dog Attack? Genthe Law Firm Can Help

If you or a loved one were recently bitten by a dog and find yourself facing medical bills, hospital treatments, and therapy, you are owed compensation for your injuries. The personal injury lawyers of Genthe Law Firm can fight for your right to compensation and build a case that insurance companies can’t say no to.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and learn more about our Genthe Guarantee.

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