Texas Car Accidents: What is a Soft Tissue Injury?

Understanding Soft Tissue Injuries in Car Accidents.

Soft tissue injuries are unfortunately all too common, yet often overlooked consequences of car accidents. Though dramatic events like broken bones or traumatic brain injuries rightfully receive a great deal of attention, more subtle soft tissue damage can lead to long-lasting dysfunction and pain if not properly addressed.

As an accident injury attorney, I think it’s important to educate accident victims about these underrated injuries. Soft tissues refer to muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, and blood vessels – anything that connects, supports, and surrounds the bony structures and organs. Whiplash from the sudden back-and-forth motion of a collision commonly strains the muscles and ligaments of the neck. Low back sprains and strains are also very prevalent, as the force transmitted through the vehicle seats can overload tender tissues even without direct trauma.

The symptoms of soft tissue injuries may take days or even weeks after the accident to fully manifest.

Achy discomfort, stiffness, tightness, bruising, swelling, or small tears in the affected areas are hallmark signs. If left untreated, scar tissue can build up and further aggravate nerves and restrict range of motion. Physical therapy, massage, chiropractic care, and medications are often very helpful, especially if applied early on before inflammation and compensatory movement patterns get too engrained.

Pictures explaining soft-tissue-injuries-on-parts-of-the-human-body
Soft tissue injuries on parts of the human body – LezDo TechMed Blog

The takeaway here is that drivers and passengers should monitor themselves closely for emerging symptoms after any auto accident, even minor fender-benders. Getting an evaluation and proper treatment can mean the difference between making a full recovery or dealing with a lingering injury for months or years after the crash. You owe it to yourself and your long-term well-being to recognize and address the hidden damage accidents can inflict.

What Qualifies as a Soft Tissue Injury?

When we refer to “soft tissue” injuries related to car accidents, we are talking about damage done to the tissues in the body that connect, support, or surround other structures and organs. Examples include:

  • muscles
  • tendons
  • ligaments
  • fascia
  • nerves
  • fat, blood vessels
  • skin

Unfortunately, these tissues are vulnerable to injury during motor vehicle crashes due to the sudden traumatic forces involved.

Soft Tissue Injury Causes

There is a wide range of potential causes that can lead to soft tissue injuries such as bruising, strains, and sprains. These types of injuries can occur in many different accident scenarios:

  • Auto Accidents: Automobile collisions often result in soft tissue injuries caused by the force of impact as bodies collide with interior vehicle surfaces or are jarred violently. Whiplash is a common car accident injury.
  • Motorcycle Accidents: Motorcyclists lack the protective structure of a car or truck, leaving them exposed in the event of an accident. The abrupt motions involved, combined with hard road surfaces, frequently cause tissue trauma.
  • Truck or Commercial Vehicle Accidents: Collisions with large trucks or other commercial vehicles can be extremely dangerous due to size and weight disparities. The sheer force imparted often crushes muscle and connective tissues.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: Individuals on foot hit by a motor vehicle commonly sustain contusions, muscle tears, ligament damage, and other soft tissue injuries from the blow.
  • Bicycle Accidents: Riders thrown from bicycles or impacting pavement tend to suffer bruising, sprains, strains, and road rash abrasions of skin/tissue.
  • Slip, Trip, and Falls: Sudden falls can easily damage muscles, tendons, and ligaments throughout the body as people attempt to break their landing.
  • Dog Bites or Attacks: Animal bites routinely lacerate skin and underlying tissues, while violent shaking of prey can tear muscle fibers and warp joints.
  • Lyft and Uber Rideshare Accidents: The recent rise of TNC services has put more vehicles on the road, leading to collisions capable of producing typical blunt force trauma injuries seen in auto accidents.

Car Accident Lawyer Texas

In a car accident, soft tissues are vulnerable to trauma. Forces like sudden impact, stretching, shearing or compression can damage muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Common causes include:

  1. Front, side, or rear-end collisions
  2. Rollover crashes
  3. Striking objects inside the car
  4. Improper use of seatbelts

Even low-speed crashes can lead to painful soft tissue injuries over time. That’s why it’s critical to seek medical care after an accident.

Delayed Symptoms

A soft tissue injury from a car accident may have delayed symptoms that appear hours or days later. Common symptoms include:

  1. joint pain when bearing weight
  2. neck stiffness
  3. swelling
  4. inflammation
  5. discoloration
  6. sharp neck pain
  7. difficulty concentrating
  8. back pain

So, you should seek prompt medical attention after an accident –  even if symptoms are not immediately apparent.

How to Tell If You Have Delayed Injuries After an Accident

This establishes a record that links accident trauma to emerging symptoms, strengthening the connection between the crash and bodily harm. Well-documented medical care makes it harder for insurance companies to dismiss injuries as unrelated to preexisting conditions. Be alert to subtle symptoms, and do not downplay them since they may signal unseen ligament damage or nerve trauma.

Report all symptoms, and follow physician guidance about imaging scans or specialist referrals. Documenting emerging symptoms is key to getting fair compensation for all crash injuries.

Common Soft Tissue Injuries

As an experienced car accident attorney, I have seen the whole range of soft tissue injuries that can result from these traumatic events. When your body is thrown about inside a vehicle or you are ejected from it, the soft tissues – muscles, tendons, ligaments – often bear the brunt of the impact. Understanding the most common bodily areas affected can help you seek proper medical diagnosis after an accident.

Your Wrist and Hand

Wrist and hand injuries typically involve sprains, strains, or even fractures. These can arise from holding onto the steering wheel or bracing during impact. Symptoms include swelling, bruising, and loss of strength or range of motion.

wrist sprains
sprains in the wrist occur following a sudden event like a car crash; infographic via

Your Back

Back soft tissue injuries can lead to ongoing pain and limited mobility. Whiplash, herniated discs, and muscle tears are unfortunately quite common. Seeking physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, or orthopedic care can help mitigate long-term effects.

Your Shoulder

The shoulder is another prime area for sprains, dislocations, rotator cuff tears, and other injuries.

Shoulder Pain Diagram: Diagnosis Chart
Shoulder Pain Diagram – Causes include Bursitis, SLAP Tear, Rotator Cuff Tear, Biceps Tendonitis, and Nerve Pain; infographic via shoulder-pain-explained.com

Your Elbow

Elbow strains and hyperextension happen often in accidents too. You may experience stiffness, inflammation, numbness, or tingling radiating into the forearm and hand.

Your Hip, Knee, Foot or Ankle

Injuries to the hip, knee, ankles, and feet run the gamut from sprains to fractures. Symptoms like inability to bear weight, walking with a limp, and severe localized pain warrant medical evaluation.

Unfortunately, soft tissue injuries are easily overlooked after an accident. Unlike bone fractures, they rarely show on standard imaging tests. Many victims “feel fine” initially due to adrenaline then experience intense back pain later. Without prompt diagnosis and treatment, symptoms can linger for months or even become chronic.


Whiplash describes neck injuries caused by the head jolting abruptly back and forth, stretching the neck ligaments beyond their normal range. It usually results from the force of collision impact or slamming on brakes. While not a formal diagnosis, whiplash commonly causes sprains or strains.

What Is Whiplash & What Are the Symptoms? - Non-Surgical Orthopaedics
What Is Whiplash? infographic via lowbackpain.com


When a car crashes into another vehicle, the human body absorbs tremendous force. Sudden acceleration and deceleration traumatize muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the back. Whiplash from the impact overstretches tissues beyond their normal range. Sprains, strains, and muscle tears often result.

Beyond whiplash, car accidents can cause various soft tissue injuries including:

  • Sprains – Overstretched ligaments most often occurring in the neck
  • Strains – Injured tendons/muscles, often in the lower back
  • Contusions – Bruising from damaged blood vessels
  • Concussions/ContusionsBrain injury from impact causes bleeding/swelling
  • Lacerations – Cuts from broken glass or debris
  • Tendinitis or BursitisSymptoms of bursitis and tendonitis include stiffness and pain that worsen when moving. Pain may be felt more at night.

The severity of any soft tissue injury depends on factors like the amount of force during impact, the angle of the collision, the use of proper restraints, and pre-existing medical conditions. Many soft tissue injuries may not cause symptoms until hours or days after the initial trauma.

Soft tissue injuries can range from mild to severe. Without proper treatment, they may lead to chronic pain, loss of function, and other complications.

Severe Symptoms

Here are signs that your soft tissue injury may be severe and require medical attention:

  • An abnormal appearance or feeling at the injury site could indicate serious damage below the skin surface. Unhealed or abnormal scarring may disrupt normal tissue structure and function.
  • Tingling, numbness, or nerve pain signals potential nerve involvement. This should be evaluated to prevent lasting nerve damage.
  • The inability to properly use muscles near the injury suggests tendon, ligament, or muscle tears. These require expert diagnosis and treatment.
  • Popping, cracking, or grinding at the injury location likely means joint, tendon, or ligament displacements. Prompt realignment is important to prevent further tissue injury.
  • Severe constant pain, despite rest and medication, warns that the injury requires expert care to heal properly.

If you notice any of these signs, consulting a physician or sports medicine specialist is highly recommended. They can accurately assess the injury and provide effective treatment to promote proper long-term healing.

Specialized Care for Common Car Accident Injuries

Common soft tissue injuries requiring expert care include:

  • Shoulder Impingement – Inflamed shoulder tendons causing restricted mobility. Diagnosed via exams and imaging.
  • ACL Tears – Knee ligament tears causing instability. Diagnosed through knee exam tests and MRI confirmation.
  • MCL Tears – Inner knee ligament tears. Diagnosed via physical exam and imaging.
Shoulder Impingement
Symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome; infographic via drmcclintock.com

Seeking Prompt Medical Care

It’s crucial to promptly seek medical care following any accident, even if injuries seem minor. Some symptoms manifest hours or days later, and early physician documentation better supports insurance/legal processes.

Type of Injury Potential Long-Term Effects
Whiplash Chronic neck pain, decreased mobility, headaches, dizziness
Sprains Joint instability, chronic pain, decreased range of motion
Contusions Persistent pain, increased susceptibility to re-injury
Strains Chronic muscle pain, weakness, reduced flexibility
Tendonitis Persistent joint pain, decreased tendon elasticity, mobility issues

In severe cases, surgery may be needed to repair torn tissues. However, research shows that a conservative approach focused on patient education and engagement leads to better outcomes in the majority of cases.

Average Soft Tissue Injury Settlement

When it comes to soft tissue injuries from car accidents, there is no average or typical settlement amount. Every case is unique and depends on the specific facts and damages. However, some key factors can significantly impact your potential settlement:

Severity of Your Injuries

More severe soft tissue injuries, like whiplash-associated disorders or bulging discs, often result in higher settlements, while minor strains may settle for less. The key is proving how the injury affects your life and quantifying those losses.

Your Medical Treatment

Extensive medical treatment related to the accident helps demonstrate the severity of the injuries. Gaps in treatment or preexisting conditions can reduce the value. Documented physician opinions attributing injuries to the crash are also critical.

At-Fault Driver’s Policy Limits

Most policies have low limits – $25,000 or $50,000. So even if your claim is worth more, you cannot get any more than the policy limits, unless the at-fault driver has substantial personal assets.

Your Own Insurance Coverages

Carrying higher uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage allows you to pursue a claim against your own policy if the at-fault policy limits are insufficient. This opens up the possibility of a larger settlement.

Your Lawyer’s Reputation

An attorney known for taking cases to trial garners higher settlements. Insurance carriers wish to avoid litigation costs and thus become more reasonable in negotiation.

recent verdict from our Dallas injury accident lawyer

On the other hand, insurers tend to make lower offers to attorneys with no trial experience.

While every case is different, choosing an experienced personal injury attorney who understands how to value these cases can have a significant impact on your recover

Pursuing Fair Compensation

If another motorist caused your accident, you may be eligible to recover damages for soft tissue injuries through their insurance liability coverage or by filing a personal injury lawsuit. The compensation could help pay for medical expenses, physical therapy, lost wages from work, prescription drugs, changes to your vehicle or property, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

An experienced injury accident attorney can advise if you have a valid claim and represent your best interests during negotiations with insurers. Legal expertise is especially important if the insurance company disputes fault or offers an unfairly low settlement that fails to cover the true costs of your soft tissue injuries and recovery process. With sound legal counsel, many crash victims can receive the maximum compensation they rightly deserve. Give us a call for a free consultation at (214) 957-0898.

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